Ready to change your life, one step at a time?

  • Personal Finance

    Simplified, candid advice for anyone trying to work their way out of debt dollar by dollar.

  • Small Biz Startup

    Whether you have $100 or $10,000 to invest, this is the place to start your dream business - today.

  • Journalling

    The absolute best tool I’ve found for transforming my life and business has been bullet journalling. Start here!

Personal Finance

baby tree growing out of coins

Wondering where to start?

Evaluate your net worth

If you are overwhelmed just trying to figure out where you are financially, this step-by-step guide can help you get there. Plus, sign up for emails to access a FREE guide that you can use to track your money and goals.

Explore the guide here

Take the first step

Once you know your numbers and have an idea of where you want to be, you can set up a budget. There are a million ways to do this, but if you need a place to start, this might be it!

Start here

Side Hustles & Biz

If you’re thinking it’s time to increase your income, start here

For some, a small and temporary source of income is sufficient to meet a short term goal. If you’re saving for a home, paying off debt, or just trying to go on vacation - start here with my tried-and-tested list of side hustles.

No click bait here; I’ve tried every single option on this list so that I can tell you that they are legitimate.

Latest on the Blog

If you’re looking for a longer term solution to increasing your income, consider starting a business. If you’re dreaming of working for yourself, solving problems, and making unlimited income, then this is the place to start.